Volunteer to make a difference

In this dane age, each one of us are caught up in the web of life not leaving us with much time to pursue our passion or contribute for a cause. If you want to contribute to the work we do, please consider volunteering with us. Volunteering can be of any kind: Field work, data collation and analysis, creating awareness, collating education material, running and managing online events, art for wildlife, running a campaign, engaging the public through social media interactions and campaigns, raising funds, fighting legal cases in courts, writing reports or a new idea that can help our causes that we support. Please contact us by filling in the below form:

Few points to consider while applying for Volunteering:

1. Please be clear on the information that you fill in the form so that we understand your interests and how you want to contribute.

2. We encourage people from all walks of life to volunteer.

3. Only expectation from our side is that the volunteers show lot of interest and dedication to the amount of time they commit to volunteering. Consistency and perseverence is the key to achieving long term objectives and goals!

4. You can also write to us at conservegaja@gmail.com for any clarification.

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